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Professional Résumé for Ernest Robert House
Professional Résumé for Ernest Robert House
A.B. in
English, Washington University, 1959; M.S. in Secondary Education, Southern
Illinois University, 1964; Ed. D., University of Illinois, 1968.
Honors, Prizes, Awards
Phi Beta Kappa
Scholarship, Washington University, 1959
Youth Fellow, University of Illinois, 1967-69
Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi
Foundation Fellow (England), 1975
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study
of Evaluation, University of California at Los Angeles, Summer, 1976
Scholar-in-Residence, Institute for Educational Policy
Studies, Harvard, Fall 1980
Visiting Scholar, University of Colorado at Boulder, Summer
Visiting Scholar, Australian Association for
Educational Research, Summer, 1984.
Fifth Annual Harold D. Lasswell
Prize for Article Contributing Most to the Theory and Practice of the Policy
Sciences, awarded by Policy Sciences, 1989.
Scholar, University of Valladolid, Spain, April-July, 1990.
Paul Lazarsfeld Award for
Evaluation Theory, for lifetime contributions to evaluation research and
theory, awarded by American Evaluation Association, 1990.
Keynote address, Canadian Evaluation Society,
Vancouver, 1991.
Visiting scholar, University of Umeå,
Sweden, May-June, 1992.
Fulbright Foreign Scholarship to Sweden, 1992
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Study,
Vienna, Austria, March, 1993.
Keynote Address, American Evaluation Association,
Seattle, 1993.
Keynote Address, Australasian Evaluation Society,
Sydney, 1995.
Visiting Scholar, Monash University, Melbourne,
Australia, 1997
Keynote Address, UK Evaluation Society, London, 2000
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences, Palo Alto, CA, 1999-2000
Keynote address, Costa Rican Evaluation Society, 2000
Visiting Scholar, University of Melbourne, 2001.
Mary E. Corcoran Distinguished Plenary Keynote,
University of Minnesota, May 23, 2001.
Federal Court Monitor, Denver Bilingual Case,
Visiting professor, Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology, Melbourne,
Keynote, Canadian Evaluation Society, Saskatoon, May, 2005
Keynote, European Evaluation Society, Berlin, Oct., 2005
Keynote, New Zealand Evaluation Association, 2008
Keynote, American Evaluation Association, Chicago,
Keynote, New Mexico Evaluators, Albuquerque, 2016
2002- Professor
Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder
1993-2002 Professor
of Education, University of Colorado at Boulder
1985-1993 Professor
of Education and Director, Laboratory for Policy Studies, University of
Colorado at Boulder.
1979-1985 Professor,
Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation (CIRCE), Department
of Administration, Higher and Continuing Education, and Department of Educational
Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1975-1979 Associate
Professor, Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation (CIRCE)
and Department of Administration, Higher and Continuing Education, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1973-1975 Assistant
Professor, Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation (CIRCE)
and Department of Administration, Higher and Continuing Education, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1971-1973 Project
Director and Assistant Professor in Education, Center for Instructional
Research and Curriculum Evaluation (CIRCE) and the Computer-Based Educational
Research Laboratory (CERL), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1969-1971 Project
Director, Illinois Gifted Program Evaluation, and Educational Specialist,
Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1968-1969 Program
Manager, Evaluation Role Development Program, Cooperative Educational Research
Laboratory, Northfield, Illinois.
1967-1968 Project
Manager, Project for the Evaluation of the Illinois Gifted Program, Cooperative
Educational Research Laboratory, Northfield, Illinois.
1964-1965 Consultant,
Illinois Demonstration Project and English Curriculum Project, University High
School, University of Illinois.
1960-1964 English
teacher, Roxana Junior-Senior High School, Roxana, Illinois.
Professional Activities
Chair, Evaluation Committee, The
Association for the Gifted (1969-71).
Technical Policy Advisory Board,
State/Federal Task Force on Educational Evaluation (1971).
Advisory Panel, Technical Assistance
Development System, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, University of
North Carolina (1971-78).
Research Staff, Senator Adlai Stevenson
III (1970).
Research Staff, Lieutenant-Governor
Paul Simon (1972).
Evaluation Board, Central Midwest
Regional Educational Laboratory (1973-84).
General Program Co-chair, 1976 Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Expert Witness, "US. Dept. of Justice vs. State
of South Carolina," Federal Appellate Court, 1976.
Panel of Writers, Project on
Educational Evaluation, Standards, and Guidelines, 1976.
Listed in American Men and Women of Science,
Who's Who in the Midwest, International Dictionary of Biography,
American Authors,
Contemporary Authors, Who's Who in the West, Dictionary of
International Biography, International Directory of Distinguished Leadership,
Editorial Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis, American Educational Research Association, 1979-81.
Editorial Advisory Board, Evaluation
Studies Review Annual, SAGE Publications, 1981-1990.
Editorial Board, New Directions
for Program Evaluation, Evaluation Research Society, 1981.
Editor-in-Chief (with Ronald
Wooldridge) New Directions for Program Evaluation Journal of the
Evaluation Research Society, 1982-85.
Chair, American Educational Research Association Award
for Distinguished Contributions to Educational Research
Columnist, Evaluation Practice (formerly Evaluation
News) 1984-1989
Expert Witness, Anderson vs. Missoula Board of
Trustees, 1984
Advisory Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis, 1986-91
Consulting Editor, Falmer Press book series on
Educational Policy, 1986-90
Advisory Board, Journal of Education Policy,
Joint Dissemination and Review
Panel, US. Department
of Education, 1986-1987.
Regional Educational Laboratory Review Panel, US. Department of Education, 1987-1990.
Chair, Publications Committee,
American Evaluation Association 1989-1991.
Recipient, Fifth Annual Harold D. Lasswell
Prize for article contributing most to the theory and practice
of the policy sciences, Vol. 21, 1988, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
awarded by International Advisory Board of Policy Sciences in 1989.
Recipient, Lazarsfeld Award
for career contributions to evaluation theory, American Evaluation Association,
Review Panel for Award of Research and Development
Centers, U. S. Department of Education, 1990.
Keynote, Canadian Evaluation Society, Vancouver, May
Evaluation and Dissemination
Advisory Committee for Undergraduate Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
Education, 1991-1993.
Evaluation Advisory Committee,
Office of Studies and Evaluation, National Science Foundation, 1991-1993.
Evaluation Advisory Committee,
Statewide Systemic Initiative, National Science Foundation, 1991-1993.
Keynote, American Evaluation Association, Seattle,
Nov. 1992.
Expert Panel for Review of Federal
Education Programs in Math, Science, Engineering, and Technology, Federal
Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering, and Technology, 1992-1993.
Editorial Board, Evaluation
Practice, 1990-1997.
Editorial Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis, American Educational Research Society, 1994-1997
Editorial Board, New Directions for Program
Evaluation, American Evaluation Association, 1993-
Editorial Board, Gifted Child Quarterly,
Editorial Board, Policy Annals, 1993-
Editorial Board, Evaluation: An International
Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice, (British) 1994-2015.
Editorial Board, Heuristics (Spanish) 1997-
Evaluation Advisory Board, Education and Human
Resources Directorate, National Science Foundation, 1996-1999.
Executive Committee, Grants Program,
American Educational Research Association, 1996-1999.
R. House. Cherry Street
Alley. (A Childhood Memoir). Create Space,
Amazon. 2015
R. House. Evaluating: Values, Biases, and
Practical Wisdom. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2015.
R. House. Regression to the Mean: A Novel
of Evaluation Politics. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2007.
Ernest R. House and Kenneth R. Howe. Values in Evaluation and
Social Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 1999.
150 pages. (Also in Spanish and Chinese.)
Ernest R. House. Schools
For Sale: Why Free Market Policies Won’t Improve America’s Schools and What
Will. New York: Teachers College Press. 1998. (Also in Spanish.)
Ernest R. House. Professional
Evaluation: Social Impact and Political Consequences. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Publications. 1993. 199 pages.
Ernest R. House.
Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Charisma: The Rise and Fall
of the PUSH/Excel Program. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press, 1988. 197
Ernest R. House (Ed.). New Directions in Educational Evaluation.
Sussex, England: Falmer Press, 1986. 267 pages.
Ernest R. House, Sandra Mathison, James Pearsol, Hallie Preskill
(Eds.). Evaluation Studies Review Annual.
Vol. 7. Beverly Hills: SAGE
Publications, 1982. 752 pages.
Ernest R. House.
Evaluating with Validity. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1980. 294 pages. (Also in
Spanish, Evaluacion, Etica y Poder, Morata Publishing, Madrid, 1994).
Reissued with Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC,
Ernest R. House and Stephen G. Lapan. Survival in the Classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1978. 283 pages.
Ernest R. House.
The Politics of
Educational Innovation. Berkeley:
McCutchan Publishing, 1974. 312
Ernest R. House (Ed.) School Evaluation: The
Politics and Process. Berkeley: McCutchan Publishing, 1973. 331 pages.
Ernest R. House (Ed.) Philosophy of Evaluation. New Directions for Program Evaluation, No. 19. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1983.
Ernest R. House.
The Logic of
Evaluative Argument. Center for the Study of Evaluation. Monograph
No. 7. University of California at Los Angeles, 1977. 64 pages.
Book Chapters
Ernest R. House.
While Chicago Burns. In
William M. Rogge and G. Edward Stormer, In-Service Training: For Teachers of
the Gifted. Champaign,
Illinois: Stipes Publishing Co.,
1966, pp. 185-186.
David M. Jackson (Ed.), Ernest R. House, Thomas Kerins, Stephen Lapan, Joe M.
Steele. Illinois Evaluates Its Special Program for the Gifted,
1963-71. In Education
of the Gifted and Talented. Report to the Congress
of the United States by the US. Commissioner of Education: prepared for
the Committee on Labor and Welfare, United States Senate, March 1972, pp.
Ernest R. House.
Teaching and Grading the Gifted. In Allen Berger and Blanche Hope Smith
(Eds.), Classroom Practices in Teaching English: Measure for Measure. Urbana, Illinois: National Council of
Teachers of English, 1972, pp. 56-58.
Ernest R. House. The Relevance of
Evaluation. In Robert R. Rippey (Ed.), Studies in Transactional Evaluation.
Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1973, pp. 256-266.
Ernest R. House. Assessing the Impact of Replicable
Products on Target Audiences. In
Lynn Gunn (Ed.), Outreach:
Replicating Services for Young Handicapped Children. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Frank
Porter Graham Child Development Center, University of North Carolina, 1975, pp.
Ernest R. House. Beyond Accountability. In Thomas J. Sergiovanni (Ed.) Professional Supervision for
Professional Teachers. Washington, DC.: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 1975, pp. 65-77.
Ernest R. House. The Utility, Rationality and Justice of
Practice-Oriented Research. In Relating Theory in Practice
in Educational Research.
Institut fur Didactik
der Mathematik, Bielefeld University, Germany, December, 1976. pp. 70-74.
Ernest R. House. Justice in Evaluation. In Gene V. Glass (Ed.), Evaluation
Studies Review Annual Vol. I. Beverly Hills, California: SAGE Publications, 1975, pp.
75-100. Also in Richard A. Schumuck and Philip J. Runkel, Second
Handbook of Organization Development in Schools. Palo Alto, California: Mayfield Press,
1977, pp. 505-517.
Ernest R. House. Evaluation as Complex
Judgment. In Thorough and
Efficient Education. Philadelphia:
Research for Better Schools, 1977.
Ernest R. House and Craig Gjerde. PLATO
Comes to the Community College. In
David Hamilton, David Jenkins, Christine King, Barry MacDonald, and Malcolm Parlett (Eds.) Beyond the Numbers Game. London: MacMillan Education, 1977, pp. 298-310.
Ernest R. House and Elizabeth J.
Hutchins. Issues Raised by the
Follow Through Evaluation. In
Lillian Katz (Ed.)
Current Topics in Early Childhood Education, Volume
2, Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1979, pp. 1-11.
Ernest R. House. An American View of
British Accountability. In
R. A. Becher and Stuart Maclure (Eds.), Accountability in Education,
Social Science Research Council, National Foundation for Educational Research,
1979, pp. 200-213.
Ernest R. House and Torsten Husen. Evaluating Compensatory Education. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Education, Vol. 6, 1979, pp. 358-424.
Ernest R. House. Democratizing Evaluation. In Hendrik Gideonse,
Robert Koff, and Joseph Schwab (Eds.), Values,
Inquiry and Education. Center
for the Study of Education, UCLA, Monograph No. 9, 1980, pp. 83-101.
Ernest R. House. Transferability and
Equity in Innovation Policy.
In Louis Rubin (Ed.), Critical Issues in
Educational Policy.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1980, pp. 40-54.
Ernest R. House. Three Perspectives on Innovation: Technological, Political and
Cultural. In Rolf Lehming and Michael Kane (Eds.) Improving Schools: Using What We Know. Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications, 1981, pp. 17-41.
Ernest R. House. Alternative Strategies
for Evaluation in Higher Education.
In Richard F. Wilson (Ed.) Program Evaluation in
Higher Education. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, #37,
February 1982, pp. 5-15.
Ernest R. House. Scientific and
Humanistic Evaluations. In
Ernest R. House et al (Eds.) Evaluation
Studies Review Annual, Vol. 7, Beverly Hills, CA:
SAGE Publications, 1982, pp. 15-30.
Ernest R. House. Critique of Cecil and
Campbell's Guidelines for Protection of Human Subjects in Social Research. In Joan E. Sieber
(Ed.) The Ethics of Social Research:
Fieldwork Regulation and Publication. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982, pp. 122-125.
Ernest R. House and James Pearsol. Education in the U.S.A.
In Sverker Lindblod and Erik Wallin (Eds.) Comparative Education. (Published in
Swedish), 1983, pp. 128-140.
Ernest R. House and Sandra
Mathison. Educational
Intervention. In Edward Seidman
(Ed.) Handbook
of Social Intervention. Beverly
Hills, CA.: SAGE Publications,
1983, pp. 323-338.
Ernest R. House. Ethics of Evaluation
Studies. In Torsten Husen and T. N. Postlewaite (Eds.) International
Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1985, pp.
Ernest R. House and Stephen D. Lapan. The
Driver of the Classroom: The
Teacher and School Improvement. In
Ronald Haskins and Duncan MacRae (Eds.). Policies for America's Public
Schools: Teachers, Equity, and Indicators. Norwood, N. J.: Ablex,
1988, pp. 70-86.
Ernest R. House and Stephen D. Lapan. Teacher Appraisal. In Helen Simons and John Elliott
(Eds.). Rethinking Assessment and Appraisal, Milton Keynes, England:
Open University Press, 1989, 55-63.
Ernest R. House. Policy Implications of
Retention Research. In Loretta A.
Shepard and Mary Lee Smith (Eds.) Flunking Grades: Research and
Policies on Retention. New
York: Falmer, 1989. 202-213.
Ernest R. House. Learning from Your Mistakes. In Allan C. Ornstein
(Ed.) Strategies of Effective Teaching. New York: Harper and Row. 1990,
Ernest R. House. An Ethics of
Qualitative Field Studies.
In Egon Guba (ed.) The Paradigm Dialog Beverly Hills CA: SAGE Publications. 1990. 158-164.
Ernest R. House. Decentralized
Evaluation for Norway. In Marit Granheim, Maurice Kogan,
and Ulf Lundgren (Eds). Evaluation
as Policymaking: Introducing Evaluation into a National Decentralised
Educational System. London:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 1990. (Also in Norwegian). pp. 211-214.
Ernest R. House and Kenneth Howe.
Second Chance as Education Policy. In
Daniel Inbar (Ed.) Second Chance in Education. London and Philadelphia: The Falmer
Press, 1990. 49-65.
Ernest R. House. Evaluation and Social Justice: Where are
we? In Milbrey McLaughlin and
Dennis Phillips (Eds.) Evaluation and Education at Quarter Century. National Society for
the Study of Education Yearbook.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991. 233-247.
Ernest R. House, Carol Emmer, and
Nancy Lawrence. Cultural
Literacy Reconsidered. In
Elfreda Hiebert (Ed.) Literacy for a Diverse Society. Teacher's College
Press. 1991. 58-74.
Marvin Alkin
and Ernest R. House. Evaluation of Programs.
In M. C. Alkin (Ed.).
Encyclopedia of Educational Research. American Educational
Research Association. 6th edition.
New York: MacMillan, 1992.
Ernest R. House.
Future Policy for School-based Evaluation. In H. Simons and T. Alvik
(Eds.). Theory and Practice of School-based Evaluation: A Research
Perspective. Lillehammer,
Norway: Oppland College, 1993, 113-119.
Ernest R. House. Ethics in Evaluation Studies. In T. Husén
and T. N. Postlewaite (Eds.). International
Encyclopedia of Education. 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press, 1994.
Ernest R. House. (1995). La politíca educativa en una época de productividad. In Volver a pensar
la educación, Vol. 1, Madrid: Ediciones
Morata, S. L., 112-127.
Ernest R. House. (1995). Environmental Education Policies:
In-Depth Studies in Five Countries.
In K. Kelley-Lainé (Ed.). Environmental Education: Learning for
the 21st Century. Paris:
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 79-94.
Ernest R. House, Kjell Eide, and Kathleen Kelley-Lainé.
(In press). Environmental Education
Policies in Austria. In K.
Kelley-Lainé (Ed.). Environmental
Education Policy Studies.
Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (In press).
Ernest R. House, Peter Posch, and Kathleen Kelley-Lainé.
(In press).
Hungarian Environmental Education Policies. In
K. Kelley-Lainé (Ed.). Environmental
Education Policy Studies.
Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (In press).
Ernest R. House and Stephen Lapan. (1997). Policy, Productivity, and
Teacher Evaluation. In B. J.
Biddle, T. Good, and I. Goodson (Eds).
International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer,
pages 593-620.
Ernest R. House and Patrick
McQuillan. (1998). Perspectives on Innovation. In A. Lieberman, M. Fullan, and A.
Hargreaves, and D. Hopkins (Eds.). International Handbook of Educational Change. Dordecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer. The Roots of
Educational Change, Vol. 1, 198-213.
Ernest R. House. Evaluation. In
R. Burgess (Ed). Encyclopedia of Social Research Methods. London: Routledge.
Ernest R. House. Economic Change, Educational Policy
Formation, and the Role of the State. (2000). In J. Elliott and H. Altrichter (Eds.). Images of Educational
Change. London: Open
University Press. (13-19).
Ernest R. House and Kenneth R.
Howe. (2000). Deliberative Democratic Evaluation in Practice.
In D. Stufflebeam (Ed.). Evaluation Models. Kluwer. 409-421.
Ernest R. House. (2004).
Intellectual history in evaluation. In M. C. Alkin
(Ed.) Evaluation Roots. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 218-224.
Ernest R. House. (2004) Social
justice. In S. Mathison (Ed.). Encyclopedia of
Evaluation. Thousand Oaks: Sage. 393-396.
Ernest R. House. (2004). Deliberative democratic evaluation. In S. Mathison (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Evaluation. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
Ernest R. House. (2005). Qualitative evaluation and changing social policy. In N.
K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.). Handbook of
Qualitative Research. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
E. R. House. (2012). Democratizing qualitative
research. In S. D. Lapan, M. Q. Quartaroli,
F. J. Reimer (Eds.). Qualitative Research.
Jossey-Bass. 451-472.
E. R. House. (2013). Work memoir:
Ideas and influences. In M. C. Alkin
(Ed.). Evaluation Roots. 2nd Ed. SAGE.
House, E. R. (2013).
Evaluation’s conflicted future. In S. I. Donaldson, Ed. The Future of Evaluation in Society: A Tribute to Michael Scriven. Charlotte
NC: Information Age, 63-72.
E.R. House (2014). A Tribute to Barry MacDonald.
E. R. House. (2015). Decision
Making via evaluation: What’s Marv’s opinion worth. In C. Christie and A. VO
(Eds). Issues in
Evaluation Use and Decision Making in Society. Information Age. A Tribute to Marvin C. Alkin.
E.R. House. (2022). The practical wisdom of evaluators. In M. Hurteau and T. Archibald (Eds.). Practical Wisdom for an Ethical Evaluation
Practice. Information Age.
E. R. House. (2023). Deliberative democratic
evaluation: The evaluator as a moral fiduciary. In M. C. Alkin and C.
A. Christie (Eds). Evaluation Roots, 3rd
ed. 110-117.
Journal Articles
Ernest R. House.
Rationale for Evaluation of the Illinois Gifted
Program. Newsletter,
Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted, Vol. 2, No. 5, May
1968, pp. 17-23. Reprinted in Illinois
Journal of Education, October 1968, pp. 68-73.
Ernest R. House and Stephen D. Lapan. Training Public School Personnel for
Evaluation Local Projects. Illinois
Journal of Education, January 1969, pp. 22-25.
Ernest R. House.
Training Non-Research Personnel to Conduct Evaluation. Contemporary Education, Vol. XL,
No. 6, May 1969, pp. 324-328.
Ernest R. House, Joe M. Steele, Stephen D. Lapan, Thomas Kerins. Early Findings on the
Illinois Gifted Program. Gifted
Children Newsletter, Vol. XII, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 24-28.
Ernest R. House, Joe Milan Steele, Thomas Kerins. What
Happens When Sugar Daddy Evaluates His Own Baby? Phi Delta Kappan,
Vol. LII, No. 4, December 1970, pp. 247-248.
Dave Erlandson and Ernest R. House. Theory and Practice: Why Nothing Seems to Work. The Bulletin of the National Association
of Secondary School Principals, Vol. 55, No. 354, April 1971, pp.
69-75. Reprinted in The
Education Digest, September 1971.
David A. Erlandson and Ernest R. House. The Principal and Performance
Contracting. Illinois Principal,
May 1971, pp. 9-11.
Joe M. Steele, Ernest R. House, Thomas Kerins. An Instrument for Assessing Instructional Climate Through the Use
of the Low-Inference Student Judgments. American Educational Research Journal,
Vol. VIII, No. 3, May 1971, pp. 447-466.
Joe Milan Steele, Ernest R. House, Stephen D. Lapan, Thomas Kerins. Cognitive and
Affective Patterns of Emphasis in Gifted and Average Illinois Classes. Exceptional Children, Vol. 37,
No. 10, Summer 1971, pp. 757-759.
Ernest R. House.
A Critique of Linear Change Models in Education. Educational Technology, Vol. XI,
No. 10, October 1971, p. 35.
Ernest R. House.
The Conscience of Educational Evaluation. Teachers College Record, Vol. 73,
No. 2, February 1972, pp. 405-414.
Ernest R. House.
Whose Goals? Whose
Values? Whose
Kids? The National Elementary
Principal, Vol. LI, No. 5, February 1972, pp. 56-61.
Ernest R. House, Thomas Kerins,
Joe M. Steele. A
Test of the Research and Development Model of Change. Educational Administration Quarterly,
Vol. VIII, No. 1, Winter 1972, pp. 1-14.
Ernest R. House.
An Examination of the "Field Teacher" as an
Alternative to Schools. Peabody
Journal of Education, Vol. 49, No. 3, April 1972, pp. 222-227.
Ernest R. House.
Review of Accountability in Education by Leon
M. Lessinger and Ralph W. Tyler. Educational Studies: A Journal of Book Reviews in the
Foundations of Education, Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer 1972, pp. 119-120.
Ernest R. House.
A Response to Clark and Guba:
The Logic of Revisionism. Educational
Administration Quarterly, Vol. VIII, No. 3, Autumn 1972, pp. 104-106.
Ernest R. House.
The Dominion of Economic Accountability. The Educational Forum, Vol.
XXXVII, No. 1, November 1972, pp. 13-24.
Reprinted in Ralph A. Smith (Ed.), Regaining Educational
Leadership: Critical Essays on PBTE/CBTE, Behavioral Objectives and
Accountability. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975. Also
reprinted in Fred Raubinger, Merle Sumption, and
Richard Kamm, Leadership in the Secondary School. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, 1974.
Ernest R. House and Donald Hogben. Setting Speculative
Snares. SRIS Quarterly,
Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1973, pp. 11-13.
Herbert J. Walberg, Ernest R. House, Joe M.
Steele. Grade Level, Cognition and
Affect: A Cross-Section of
Classroom Perceptions. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 64, No.
2, April 1973, pp. 142-146.
Reprinted in Robert E. Grinder (Ed.), Studies in Adolescence, 3rd
Edition. New York: Macmillan Co. 1, 1975, pp. 152-158. Also in B. Newman and P. Newman (Ed.), Infancy
and Childhood. New York: Wiley,1977. Also in M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Learning
and Instruction: Readings in
Educational Research. Sponsored by American Educational Research
Association. Berkeley: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1977,
pp. 563-569.
Ernest R. House.
The Price of Productivity:
Who Pays? Today's Education, Vol. 62, No. 6, September-October
1973, pp. 64-69. Reprinted in
William J. Gephart (Ed.), Accountability: A State, A Process, or a Product?, Thirteenth Phi Delta Kappa Symposium on Educational
Research. Bloomington,
Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa, 1975, pp.
Ernest R. House.
Technology and Evaluation. Educational Technology, Vol.
XIII, No. 11, November 1973, pp. 20-26.
Ernest R. House, Wendell Rivers, and Daniel L. Stufflebeam. An Assessment of the Michigan Accountability System. Phi Delta Kappan,
Vol. LV, No. 10, June 1974, pp. 663-669.
Joe M. Steele, Herbert J. Walberg, and Ernest R.
House. Subject Areas and Cognitive
Press. Journal of Educational
Psychology, Vol. 66, No. 3, June 1974, pp. 363-366.
Ernest R. House.
Accountability: An Essay
Review on Three Books. American
Educational Research Journal, Vol. II, No. 3, Summer 1974, pp. 275-279.
Ernest R. House, Wendell Rivers, and Daniel L. Stufflebeam. A Counter-Response to Kearney, Donovan, and Fisher. Phi Delta Kappan,
Vol. LVI, No. 1, September 1974, p. 19.
Ernest R. House.
The Politics of Evaluation in Higher Education. Journal of Higher Education, Vol.
XLV, No. 8, November 1974, pp. 618-627.
Reprinted in Frank Carol (Ed.), Readings in Evaluation Research
(2nd Edition). New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1977.
Ernest R. House.
Accountability in the U.S.A. Cambridge Journal of Education,
Vol. 5, No. 2, Easter Term 1975, pp. 71-78. Also in Alex Finch and Peter Scrimshaw
(Eds.), Standards, Schooling, and Education. Hodder and Stoughton and Open University
Press, 1981, pp. 361-367.
Ernest R. House.
The Micropolitics of Innovation:
Nine Proposition. Phi Delta Kappan,
Vol. 57, No. 5, January 1976, pp. 337-340.
Reprinted in Louis Rubin, A Handbook on Curriculum. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1977.
Ernest R. House and Gordon Hoke. Lobbying for Special Education. Educational Leadership, Vol. 34,
No. 2, November 1976, pp. 118-121.
Ernest R. House.
Assumptions Underlying Evaluation Models. Educational Researcher, Vol. 7,
No. 3, March 1978, pp. 4-12. Also in J. Galen Saylor, William Alexander, and
Arthur J. Lewis (Eds.), Planning Curriculum for Schools, Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, 1981. Also in S. Franke-Wikberg och U.P. Lundgren (Eds.), Att
Vordera Utbildung Del 2. Stockholm: Wahlstron
& Widstrand, 1981, pp. 310-336. Also in G. Madaus,
M. Scriven, and D.L. Stufflebeam (Eds.). Evaluation Models. Kluwer-Nijoff, Boston and The Hague, 1983, pp. 45-64.
Ernest R. House, Gene V. Glass, Leslie D. Mclean and
Decker F. Walker. Critiquing A
Follow Through Evaluation. Phi
Delta Kappan, Vol. 59, No. 7, March 1978, pp.
473-474. Also in Educational
Leadership, Vol. 35, No. 6, March 1978, pp. 462-464.
Ernest R. House, Gene V. Glass, Leslie D. McLean and
Decker Walker. No Simple
Answer: Critique of the Follow
Through Evaluation. Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 48, No. 2, May
1978, pp. 128-160. Reprinted in
Thomas D. Cook, et al., Evaluation Studies Review Annual, Vol. 3, SAGE
Publications, 1978.
Ernest R. House.
Evaluation as Scientific Management in United States
School Reform. Comparative
Education Review, Vol. 28, No. 3, October 1978, pp. 388-401.
Ernest R. House.
Technology versus Craft: A Ten Year Perspective on Innovation. Journal of Curriculum Studies,
Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1979, pp. 1-15.
Reprinted in P. H.. Taylor, New Directions
in Curriculum Studies, Falmer Press, pp. 137-151.
Ernest R. House.
The Objectivity, Fairness, and Justice of Federal Evaluation Policy as
Reflected in the Follow Through Evaluation. Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1979, pp. 28-42.
E. R.. House. Evaluation Theory
Development. Studies in
Educational Evaluation, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1979, pp. 145-146.
Ernest R. House and Norman S. Care. Fair Evaluation
Agreement. Educational
Theory, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1979, pp. 159-169.
Ernest R. House.
Coherence and Credibility:
The Aesthetics of Evaluation.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 5,
September-October, 1979, pp. 5-17.
Ernest R. House.
The Role of Theories of Justice in Evaluation--Justice
on Strike. Educational
Theory, Vol. 30, No. 1, Winter 1980, pp. 67-72.
Ernest R. House.
Evaluation as Persuasion: A
Reply to Kelly's Critique. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,
Vol. 2, No. 5, September-October 1980, pp. 39-40.
Ernest R. House and Rochelle S. Mayer. A Critique of the
Educational Imagination in Evaluation. Journal of Aesthetic Education,
Vol. 15, No. 1, January 1981, pp. 117-120.
Ernest R. House.
Old Songs, New Renditions. Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 26,
No. 2, 1981, pp. 122,123.
Ernest R. House.
Changing Lead into Gold. Interchange, Vol. 12, No. 1,
1981, pp. 22-26.
J. Myron Atkin and Ernest R. House. The Federal Role in
Curriculum Development, 1950-1980.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 5,
September-October 1981, pp. 5-36.
Ernest R. House and Sandra Mathison. A Review of Toward
Reform of Program Evaluation by Cronbach and Associates. Evaluation News, Vol. 2, No. 4, November
1981, pp. 314-320.
Paul Thurston and Ernest R. House. The NIE Adversary Hearing on Minimum
Competency Testing. Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 63, No. 2, October 1981, pp. 87-89.
Eleanor Farrar and Ernest R. House. The Evaluation of Push/Excel: A Case Study. New Directions for Program Evaluation,
No. 17, March, 1983, pp. 31-57.
Ernest R. House.
How We Think About Evaluation.
New Directions for Program Evaluation, No. 19, 1983, pp.
5-25. Reprinted in Ross Conners et
al, Evaluation Studies Review Annual, Vol. 9, SAGE Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 1984.
Ernest R. House and Sandra Mathison. Methodology and Values
in Education. Educational
Theory, Vol. 34, No. 2, Spring 1984, pp. 151-152.
Ernest R. House, Paul Thurston, and Janice Hand. The Adversary Hearing
as Public Forum. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 10, pp. 111-123, 1984.
Ernest R. House.
Factional Disputes in Evaluation. Evaluation News, 5, 3, August
1984, pp. 19-21.
Ernest R. House.
Evaluation in Australia. Evaluation News, 5, 4, November
1984, pp. 13-14.
Ernest R. House.
Evaluating Professionals. Evaluation
News, 6, 1, February 1985.
Ernest R. House.
Undisciplined Social Science.
Evaluation News, 6, 2, May 1985, pp. 28-31.
Ernest R. House.
"Deus ex Machina":
Personnel Evaluation Made Public.
Evaluation News, 6, 3, August 1985, 21-24.
Ernest R. House.
Being Charles Murrayed. Evaluation News. 6, 4, November 1985, 21-23.
Ernest R. House.
Internal Evaluation. Evaluation
Practice. 7, 1, February 1986, 63-64.
Ernest R. House. Drawing Evaluative Conclusions. Evaluation Practice, 7, 3, Aug 1986, 35-39.
Ernest R. House and Robert L. Linn. Book Review of Losing
Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980. Educational Evaluation
and Policy Analysis, 8, 3, Fall, 1986, 324-328.
Ernest R. House. Evaluators, Libs,
and Neocons. Evaluation Practice, Vol. 8, no.
1, Feb 1987, 64-67.
Ernest R. House.
The Evaluation Audit. Evaluation Practice,
Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1987, 52-56.
Ernest R. House.
The Iran-Contra Hearings and Evaluation. Evaluation
Practice, Vol. 8, No. 4, Nov 1987, 31-33.
Ernest R. House.
Tres Perspectiva de la Innovacion
Educativa: Technologica, Politica y Cultural (reprinted); and Post Scriptum: A Ten
Year Retrospective on My "Three Perspectives" Paper. Revista
De Educacion. No. 286. Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. Madrid, Spain. Mayo-Agosto,
1988. (In
Spanish). 5-34.
Ernest R. House and William Madura. Race, Gender, and Jobs: Losing Ground on
Employment. Policy Sciences. 21: 351-382. 1988.
Ernest R. House.
Evaluating the F.B.I. Evaluation
Practice, 9, 3, August, 1988, 43-46.
Ernest R. House, Stephen D. Lapan,
and Sandra Mathison. Teacher
Inference. Cambridge
Journal of Education.
Vol. 19, No. 1,
Spring, 1989, 53-58.
Ernest R. House.
Review of Gerald Grant The World We Created at Hamilton High. In The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science. Vol. 504, July 1989, 161-163.
Ernest R. House, Sandra Mathison, and Robin McTaggert. Validity and Teacher Inference. Educational Researcher. Vol. 18, No. 7,
October 1989, 11-15.
Ernest R. House.
Methodology and Justice. Kenneth Sirotnik (ed.) New Directions for Program Evaluation. No. 45, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Spring
1990, 23-36.
Ernest R. House.
Trends in Evaluation. Educational Researcher. Vol. 19,
No. 3, April, 1990, 24-28. Also in Spanish, Tendencias in Evaluación, Revista de educacion,
299, 1992, 43-55.
Ernest R. House.
Flunking: What Does it do for the At-Risk
Child? Excellence
in Teaching. Vol. 7, No. 3, Spring 1990 10-12. Reprinted in Education
Digest, as "The Perniciousness of Flunking Students." 56, 6, Feb. 1991,
Ernest R. House. Confessions of a
Responsive, Goal-Free Evaluator. Evaluation Practice. Vol. 12, 3,
1, Feb., 109-114, 1991.
Ernest R. House. Big Policy, Little
Policy. Educational
Researcher. June/July. Vol. 20, 5, 21-26,
Ernest R. House.
Realism in Research. Educational Researcher. Aug/Sept. Vol. 20, 6, 2-9, 1991.
Ernest R. House. (1992). Relativist Evaluation: A Review of E.
Guba and Y. Lincoln's
Fourth Generation Evaluation. Contemporary Psychology. 37,2. Feb. 153-154.
Ernest R. House. (1992).
Multicultural Evaluation in Canada and the United States. The Canadian
Journal of Program Evaluation. 7,1, 149-173.
Ernest R. House. (1992). Response to "Notes on Pragmatism
and Scientific Realism." Educational
Researcher. May. Vol. 21, 4, 18-19.
Ernest R. House. (1994) Integrating
the Quantitative and Qualitative.
In C. Reichart and S. Rallis (Eds). The Qualitative Quantitative Debate: New
Perspectives, no. 61, Spring. New Directions for Program Evaluation, 61, 13-22.
Ernest R. House. (1994). Is John Dewey Eternal? Educational Researcher. Jan-Feb, 23, 1, 15-16.
Ernest R. House. (1994). Policy and Productivity in Higher
Education. Educational
Researcher. 23: 5, 27-32.
Ernest R. House. (1994). Evaluation of Programs for Disadvantaged
Gifted Students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 17, 4, 441-446.
Ernest R. House. (1994). The Future Perfect of Evaluation. Evaluation Practice. 15, 3, 239-247.
Ernest R. House. (1995). A Short
(Satiric) Intellectual History of the Humanities Curriculum Project, 1645-1988. Journal of
Curriculum Theorizing, 10: 4, 55-58.
Ernest R. House and Carolyn Haug.
(1995). Riding the The Bell Curve: A Review. Educational Evaluation and Policy
Analysis. Summer,
17, 2, 263-272.
Ernest R. House. (1995). Principled Evaluation: A
Critique of The American Evaluation Association's Guiding Principles. In W. R. Shadish,
D. L. Newman, M. A. Scheirer, and C. Wye (Eds.). New Directions for Program Evaluation. 66, 27-34.
Ernest R. House. (1995). Putting Things Together
Coherently: Logic and Justice. In D. M. Fournier (Ed.). Reasoning in Evaluation: Inferential
Links and Leaps. New Directions for Program Evaluation,
68, 33-48.
Ernest R. House, Carolyn Haug,
and Nigel Norris. (1996). Producing evaluations in large bureaucracies. Evaluation. 2,
2, 135-150.
Ernest R. House.
(1996). A Framework for Appraising Educational
Reforms. Educational
Researcher. 25, 7, 6-14.
Ernest R. House. (1997). The Problem of Values in Evaluation. Evaluation Journal
of Australasia, 8, 1, 3-14.
Ernest. R. House. (1997). Evaluation
in the Government Marketplace. Evaluation Practice. 18, 1, 37-48.
Ernest R. House. (1997). Higher
Education Evaluation. Tokiwa International Studies Journal. Tokiwa
University, Tokiwa, Japan (In Japanese). 1-12.
Ernest R. House.
(1998). Institutional Arrangements for Evaluation.
Prospects, XXVIII, 1, 109- 116. Institute of International Education, UNESCO, Geneva, Switzerland.
Ernest R. House. (1998). Economic
Models of Evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare. 7, 110-113.
Ernest R. House and Kenneth R. Howe. (1998) The Issue of Advocacy in Evaluations. American Journal of
Evaluation. 19, 2, 233-236.
Ernest R. House.
Flunking Students is No Cure-all.
New York Times, A 27, Jan. 30, 1999.
Ernest R. House. Race and Policy.
Education Policy Analysis Archives.
7,16. April 26, 1999.
Ernest R. House. Evaluation and People of Color: A
Response to Professor Stanfield. In American Journal of Evaluation. 20, 3, 433-435, 1999.
Ernest R. House and Kenneth R. Howe. (2000) Deliberative Democratic Evaluation. In K. E. Ryan and L. DeStefano (Eds). In New Directions in Evaluation. No.
85, 3-12.
Ernest R. House.
The Limits of Cost Benefit Analysis. Evaluation. 6
(1) 2000, 79-86.
Ernest R. House. Responsive
Evaluation (and its Influence on Deliberative Democratic Evaluation). In
J. C. Greene and Tineke A. Abma
(Eds). Responsive Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation. No. 92, Jossey-Bass, 2001, 23-30.
Ernest R. House. Unfinished Business: Causes and
Values. American Journal of Evaluation. Vol. 22 (3) 2001, 309-315.
Ernest R. House. Stakeholder Bias. (2003). In C. A. Christie (Ed). The
practice-theory relationship in evaluation. New
Directions for Program Evaluation. No. 97, 53-56.
Ernest House. (2004). Les aspects
politiques des evaluations a grande echelle aux Etats-Unis. In Politiques D’Education
et de Formation. 2/11. 93-101.
Ernest R. House. (2004). The role of
the evaluator in a political world. Canadian
Journal of Program Evaluation. 19, 2, 1-16.
Ernest R. House. (2006). Democracy
and evaluation. Evaluation, 12,1, 119-127.
Ernest R. House. (2008). Whatever works: Doing science
for George W. Bush. In N. Denzin (Ed.) Cultural Studies, Critical
Methodologies, Feb, 8, 1, 24-38.
Ernest R. House. (2008). Blowback: Consequences of
Evaluation for Evaluation, American
Journal of Evaluation, 29(4) 416-426.
Ernest R. House. (2008). A
reflection of Egon. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 21, 6,
Ernest R. House (2011) Conflict of interest and Campbellian validity. In H. T. Chen, S. I. Donaldson, M. M. Marks, Eds.
Advancing validity in outcome evaluation:
Theory and practice, New Directions
in Evaluation, 130, 69-80.
Interview. (2015). The oral history of evaluation: The
professional development of Ernest House. Interview by AEA Oral History Project
Team: Miller, R.L., King, J, Mark, M., Caracelli, V. American Journal of Evaluation, 36(2)
E; R. House. (2016). Childhood
influences on my work. In D.D. Williams (Ed). Childhood influences on the Work of Seven
North American Evaluation Pioneers. New Directions in Evaluation, 150. 83-88.
E. R. House. (2016). The role of values and evaluation in thinking. American Journal of
Evaluation. 37(1) 104-108.
House, E. R. (2017). Evaluation and the framing of race. American Journal of Evaluation, 38(2), 167-189
House, E. R. (2019). Evaluation with a focus on justice. In M. Alkin and C. A. Christie. (Eds). Theorists’
Models in Action. New Directions in Evaluation, 163, Fall, 161-72.
E. R. House. (2020). Evaluating
in a fragmented society. Journal
of Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation. Vol 16. 36,
and Technical Reports
Ernest R. House.
The Report on the 1968 Summer Institute on Evaluation,
Cooperative Educational Research Laboratory, Inc., and the Center for
Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois, October 1968. 95 pages.
Ernest R. House. A Preliminary Assessment of the
Illinois Gifted Program, Cooperative Educational Research Laboratory, Inc.,
Northfield, Illinois, October 1968.
45 pages.
Ernest R. House. The Visibility and Clarity of
Demonstrations (with Appendices), Cooperative Educational Research
Laboratory, Inc., Northfield, Illinois, May 1969. 80 pages.
R. E. Stake, E. R. House, S. Lapan. CIRCE
Attitude Scale No. 1.4: Attitudes
Toward Educational Evaluation, Center for Instructional Research and
Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1969.
Thomas Kerins,
Ernest R. House, Stephen Lapan, Joe M. Steele. The Illinois Demonstration Centers -
The Visitor's View, Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum
Evaluation, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, October 1969. 62 pages.
Thomas Kerins,
Ernest R. House, Stephen Lapan, Joe Steele. After the Visit: The Impact of Demonstration, Center
for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois, May 1970. 38
Joe Milan Steele, Ernest R.
House, Stephen Lapan, Thomas Kerins. Instructional Climate in Illinois
Gifted Classes, Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum
Evaluation, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, August 1970. 55 pages.
Ernest R. House (Ed.), Robert
Stake, Joe Milan Steele, Douglas Sjogren, Joe Renzulli. TAG Evaluation Sampler, The
Association for the Gifted, a division of the Council
on Exceptional Children, September 1970.
28 pages.
Ernest R. House, Joe M. Steele,
Thomas Kerins.
The Development of Education Programs: Advocacy in a Non-Rational System,
Working Paper #9, Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation,
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, November 1970. 30 pages.
Ernest R. House, Thomas Kerins, Joe Milan Steele. The Demonstration Center, Center
for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois, December 1970. 44
Ernest R. House, Joe Milan
Steele, Thomas Kerins. The Gifted Classroom, Center for
Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois, June 1971. 164
Ernest R. House, Joe Milan
Steele, Thomas Kerins. Educating the Talented, Center
for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois, July 1971. 32
Ernest R. House and Margaret Betchart. Evaluation/Assessment Planning for
Systematically Ascertaining the Opinions of Various OSPI (Office of the
Superintendent of Public Instruction) Publics, Center for Instructional
Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois,
June 1972. 32 pages.
Ernest R. House. Innovation Waves, Center for
Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois, June 1972, for Office of Superintendent of Public
Instruction, State of Illinois. 18
Ernest R. House. PLATO Comes to the Community College,
Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of
Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, July 1973 for Computer-Based Educational Research
Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 50 pages.
Ernest R. House. Entrepreneurial and Household
Innovations: The Administrator and
the Teacher, Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation,
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, July 1973, for Office of
Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Illinois. 44 pages.
Ernest R. House. Criteria for
Evaluating State Accountability Systems, National Education Association,
October 1973. 10 pages.
Ernest R. House, Wendell Rivers,
and Daniel Stufflebeam. An Assessment of the Michigan
Accountability System, Michigan Education Association and National
Education Association, March 1974.
29 pages.
Ernest R. House. Guidelines for
Considering Criterion-Referenced Testing. National Education Association Task
Force on Testing, April 1974. 16
Ernest R. House and Donald
Hogben. A Goal-Free Evaluation for Me and My Environment, Center for Instructional
Research and Curriculum Evaluation, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois,
February 1972. 14 pages. Also in Design and Revision, Data
Collection, and Portrayal, Formative Evaluation Report No. 3, Biological
Sciences Curriculum Study, September 1974, pp. 14-16.
Ernest R. House, Gene V. Glass,
Leslie D. McLean, Decker F. Walker, No Simple Answer: Critique of the Follow Through Evaluation. Ford Foundation, New York, September
1977. 50 pages.
Marianne Amarel,
Ernest House, Daniel Langmeyer, Dan Lortie, Rochelle
Mayer, Leslie McLean, Leonard Sealey.
The Weyerhauser Company Foundation: A Study of Purposes, Procedures and
Outcomes, July 1978.
Marianne Amarel,
Ernest House, Daniel Langmeyer, Dan Lortie, Rochelle
Mayer, Leslie McLean, Leonard Sealey.
Reform, Response, and Renegotiation--Transitions in a School Change
Project, Ford Foundation, 1979.
Robert E. Stake and Ernest R.
House et al. An
Interim Evaluation Report of PDHDS. March 1981.
Sandra Allarie
and Ernest R. House. Goal Free Evaluation in Special Education Programs, 1982.
E. R. House, R. Linn, and J.
Raths. An
Audit of the Evaluation of New York City's Promotional Gates Program. Four reports, October 1981, February
1982, April 1982, October 1982.
Sandra Mathison, Ernest R. House,
and Janice Hand. An Evaluation
of a Conference: Urban
Education: Issues and Programs for
the 80's. Illinois State Board of
Education, July 1982. 78 pages.
Ernest R. House, Paul Thurston,
and Janice Hand. The
Adversary Hearing as a Public Forum, Ford Foundation. New York, July 1982. 26 pages.
Ernest R. House and William
Madura. Race, Gender, and Jobs. Laboratory for Policy Studies, University of Colorado. April, 1987. 65 pages.
Ernest R. House, Carol Emmer,
Elaine Kolitch, Barbara Waitz,
and Eva L. Baker. Definition of Content in Social Studies Testing: Conceptual Content Assessment Report. Center for the Study
of Evaluation Report No. 273.
Center for the Study of Evaluation, UCLA, 1987. 90 pages.
Ernest R. House, Carol Emmer, and
Nancy Lawrence. Cultural
Literacy and Testing. Center
for the Study of Evaluation, Graduate School of Education, UCLA, November, 1988.
78 pages.
Ernest R. House. A Report to the Northern Arizona University Task Force on
Evaluating Teaching. October 20, 1989. 30 pages.
Ernest R. House and Nancy
Lawrence. How Content is Defined on Standardized Social Studies Tests. Center for Research on
Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, UCLA, CSE Technical Report 310,
January 1990. 32 pages.
Ernest R. House and Nancy
Lawrence. Recommendations
for Improving Content on Standardized Achievement Tests. Center for Research on Evaluation,
Standards, and Student Testing, UCLA, CSE Technical Report, October,
1990. 35 pages.
Ernest R. House. Report One:
Evaluation Issues inside a Large-Scale Organization. National Science Foundation, Sept, 1992. 20
Ernest R. House, Kjell Eide, and Kathleen Kelley-Lainé Environmental Education
Policies in Austria: A Review.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, August, 1993. 78 pages.
Expert Panel for Review of Federal Education Programs
in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology, The Federal Investment
in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education: Where Now? What
Next? Federal Coordinating Council on Science,
Mathematics, and Engineering Technology, Washington, D. C. 1993.
Ernest R. House and Carolyn Haug. Report Two: Evaluation Issues inside
a Large Organization. National
Science Foundation, Sept. 1993.
Ernest R. House and Carolyn Haug,
with Nigel Norris. Evaluation
Policies and Issues in the National Science Foundation. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado,
1994. 116 pages.
Martin Trow, Tony Becher,
Ernest House, and Aino Salineen. Report of
International Advisory Committee to the Rector and Members of Umeå University. Umeå,
Sweden. Jan,
1995. 20 pages.
Ernest R. House, Peter Posch,
and Kathleen Kelley-Lainé. Hungarian
Environmental Education Policies. Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development. Paris. 1995, 29 pages.
Ernest R. House, Scott Marion, Linda Rastelli, Dorothy
Aguilera, Tim Weston, and Kyung Min.
An Evaluation of the Impact of the Center for
Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).
School of Education, University of Colorado.
Ernest R. House. The Predictable
Failure of Chicago’s Student Retention Program. School of Education,
University of Colorado and Designs for Change, Chicago, 1998.
1999-2005. Reports to the United States District Court
for the District of Colorado, Chief Judge Richard P. Matsch,
Civil Action 95-M-2313, (Monitoring the English Acquisition Program in the
Denver Public Schools), Reports 1-13.
Coherence and Credibility: The Aesthetics of Evaluation
1979 Ernest R. House. (1979). Coherence and Credibility: The Aesthetics of Evaluation, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analy...
1994 One way of resolving the quantitative versus qualitative methods dispute is to recognize that evaluation has a special cont...
Validity Reconsidered August 19, 2010 Conflict of Interest and Campbellian Validity Ernest R. Ho...
November 2, 2017 Al “Corky” Leavell Ernest “Bob” House In January I was in Melbourne, Australia when I g...